i own the internet | agloco

Agloco is a community which is making money on internet. Using the viewbar, people make money while surfing the internet. Members get's paid for referrals that use viewbar. This is a blog dedicated to making money on internet, and agloco is the best place for making money.

Sunday, February 04, 2007

I have been referring agloco actively

I am with agloco for the last 2 months; I joined agloco on Dec. 23, 2006. Since then I have been referring agloco actively and got a few referrals as well. It says that I have 7.39% of referrals as my rank. The lower it gets the better it is. Also when I joined agloco it’s rank in alexa was around 10 thousand. Now when I look at its rank, it seems to be around 4,666 . It seems that the traffic to agloco is increasing rapidly.

Am still waiting for the viewbar to be launched, once it get launched my earnings will start. Also am pretty curious about it, let’s see how it works. The looks of the bar is pretty cool so I will install the moment I get to install it.

The more the member the more hours it adds, so it’s better that I have a lot of members when the viewbar is launched. Am getting a few members every now and then, pretty happy about it.

I have been trying to get to such a website before, but was pretty un-successful. This one is more or less good. Agloco is spreading every day and its better to join now. When everyone will know about it, then it won’t be easy for anyone to get more referrals. Also the viewbar is limited so the earlier you join, the more are your chances to install the viewbar.


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